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Top Secrets for Learning Spanish: The 4-and-a-Half Essentials

Learning a new language is hard, isn’t it? So when you’re starting your quest to be a fluent Spanish speaker, you might face some challenges. There are plenty of fun and effective methods to help you learn the language better. Maybe you’re learning by reading a book or playing some language games, but did you know that there are four essential elements that contribute to your Spanish language learning? No matter which tactic you use, these elements can give you the ability to become fluent in a second language.

Hearing and understanding

First, you listen to the words being spoken and you eventually learn how to recognize them and their meanings. One of the fastest ways to having good hearing and learning technique is to use entertainment for learning. Listen to native-language music or movies. If you want to learn how to speak Spanish more quickly, start listening to Spanish music or watching Spanish movies that have subtitles so you don’t simply watch without understanding a single word. This way, you can practice hearing and understanding the language.

If you have a busy schedule and don’t have time to sit and watch TV, then you can get audio and listen to them during your spare time at work. Listening is one of the most important components to learning a foreign language. There are Mp3s, CD’s and podcasts that you can listen to while walking or jogging, shopping, driving, cooking or doing house chores.

Learning Commonly-Used Words

Did you know that 80% of spoken language is made up by only 20% of words in the language? This means that even if you learn only these commonly-used words, you’ll be able to speak the language to a certain extent.

Don’t start off by learning the most difficult words in the language. This will get you stuck and slow down your learning speed. Learn the words that are commonly used or words that are necessary for everyday communication. Even if you mix up the small words you know with English, the person will understand and have the basic idea of what you are trying to say.

Learning to Retell a Story

What do you do when someone tells you an interesting story? You visualize the scenario, don’t you? So when learning Spanish, you can make use of this visualization to practice your sentence formation. All you need to do is retell the story according to the image you have visualized in your mind.

No two languages are the same. Spend a few moments watching a native speaker talk. Some languages are fast paced while some are much slower. Because of this, languages have their strengths and weaknesses in facial muscles. Watching a native Spanish speaker talk will give you clue as to what your mouth and tongue should do when you’re trying to pronounce the same words or form the same sentence. From watching a native speaker, you can also learn common facial expressions and gestures. This is also where learning the culture of a language comes into play, because certain expressions and mentalities are tied to cultural origins.

Using the shadowing technique

What does a shadow do? It moves along with the object that casts the shadow. Similarly, the shadowing technique involves repeating words or sentences that you hear. This can help you register them in your mind and become fluent in them. You simply imitate another person in order to learn the language.

You need to speak and actually utter out the words even if there is no one to practice with. Talk to yourself and repeat what you just heard. This way, your brain registers those words more quickly when you are in a conversation. Repetition helps to a great extent even if it is just one or two words a day.

Other Important Tips

While these four elements are essential, remember that practice makes perfect. Even if you pick up several new words in a day, it won’t help if you’re just going to forget about it later. You may have mastered the grammar rules and vocabulary but unless you practice and speak the language often, you won’t remember what you’ve learned. The more you practice, the more fluent you’ll be in Spanish. Try speaking a little of it every day so you can truly master the art of speaking Spanish.

Also, you can read the other “half-secret” from the below Spanish learning infographic and let us know your thoughts.

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